B2B CONSPROD has implemented and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management System for marketing of geosynthetic materials and construction work with geosynthetic materials (SR OHSAS 18001: 2008), according to the Certificate no. 1204, obtained on 28.02.2011.
The company is certified for environmental protection - SR EN ISO 14001: 2005 - obtained on 28.02.2011 for Environmental Management System and our products have no negative impact on the environment.
It is essential for B2B CONSPROD to constantly seek new ways of community involvement.
We promote social responsibility by training our employees, providing professional development courses and individual personal development courses.
Social responsibility principles within B2B Consprod:
• the organization does not use or support the work of minors;
• does not use or support the use of forced labor;
• the organization guarantees a safe and healthy working environment and takes appropriate steps to prevent incidents or illnesses that may occur during work;
• the organization does not discriminate against employment or among employees;
• the organization complies with the legal requirements applicable to the work schedule.
We offer financial support through sponsorships of institutions such as:
• Aurora Day Care Center - Socialization and Rehabilitation Education for Children with Neuromotor Disabilities, Children aged 5-10 years. The center is in Bucharest.
• PRO VITA Association for Born and Non-born - whose purpose is to defend human life in all its stages, from conception to natural death.
• St. Visarion Parish - Bucharest